After the holiday sugar rush

The Post Holiday Sugar Rush...

The holidays, the festivities, the SUGAR.  Most of us live in a post-holiday sugar coma starting on January 2nd.  How do we combat the possible regret that comes with the overindulgence of sweets that inevitably happens from the middle of November to the beginning of January?

Go cold turkey?

    That is one possibility.   Some research is starting to point towards sugar as being more highly addictive than hard drugs.  We often use sugar as a reward for ourselves, and with that, we start to hardwire our bodies to crave it.  So how do we possibly change that addiction? There are several amazing programs you can try such as Whole30 or The 21 Day Detox to name a few.  Both are geared towards cutting sugar out completely to stop the vicious cycle of sweets cravings. They require you to completely sever your relationship with sugar.  That means no sugar in any form, which includes maple syrup, honey, and any form of artificial sweetener as well.

From personal experience these are not easy programs to complete, but they are definitely worth it in the end. They require accountability and perseverance, and you will come out the other side having beaten your sugar addiction down.  Is it permanent? No. Sugar is everywhere and in almost everything, which is almost frightening to think about. But your cravings will be curbed, sweet things will taste far sweeter than before, and you will be able to eat less sugar at a time than you used to.

Downsize and educate.

    Another great option which I know I have mentioned before is to reduce.  Reduce the amount in everything you eat, everything you custom order, change what you order and what you buy.  Take a month and do a whole foods challenge. Only buy unprocessed whole foods for a month. Stay in the fresh produce aisles of the grocery store, and avoid as many processed foods as you can.  Read your labels. This act alone can change how your view foods.

Educate yourself on what you are consuming. Go ahead and check out your local co-op and try buying whole foods in bulk. Stick to honey and maple syrup (or other natural sources such as monk fruit) as your sweeteners You can also pick up a healthy cookbook with a meal plan in it for the month and try sticking to that meal plan.  You might find some incredible, healthy, and sugar free recipes that may become favorites for years to come. Changing your habits and using unprocessed foods takes time; remember this and try to allow for extra prep time in your schedule. It is worth it in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

Keep on moving forward.

    Whatever you decide to do in the new year, remember that every small step leads somewhere.  Everyday you make decisions about your health, whether it be through your food choices, exercise or relieving stress. And your actions can also impact those around you.  Sharing your experience or showing others through your own healthy lifestyle makes a difference.



Carrie is OXNUTRITION's on staff photography and designer.  She is an advocate for nutrition and living a healthy lifestyle.  Follow her food and cattle photography on instagram @carrieannpear. 

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